Projects supported and successfully completed in Shyira include:
- A maternity hospital built.
- Two midwives trained by providing funding for them to attend university.
- The primary school restored.
- Students funded through the Groupe Scolaire Secondary School sponsorship scheme.
- The homes of 21 child-headed families built.
- Of the 21 heads of family, each completed an apprenticeship in building/construction or in dressmaking and the Trust provided equipment to allow them to start work.
- A children’s centre completed next to the parish church of St Mark’s (linked to St Luke’s) for multipurpose use.
- Land sufficient for 8,500 coffee plants purchased.
- A chicken farming project funded which provided for people living with HIV.
- Financial support for ministry in Shyira.
- St Luke’s Church has provided funds for several years through 50% of its Lent project for the construction of church/community centre in Butaka, NW of Shyira on the border with the DRC.
Within the wider Kivu region, projects supported and successfully concluded include:
- The purchase of the land for a new district hospital built by the Government in the valley below Shyira.
- The relocation of the people from the said land.
- Construction of a large kitchen for use of carers at the new hospital.
- Improved the laundry facilities at the new hospital.
- Financed the salaries of 3 midwives for 3 years.
- Repaired storm damaged primary school in Mutura.
- Provided a health post at Ngoma.
- Equipped a health centre at Mutaho.
- Supported Mothers’ Union ‘Revolving Goat’ scheme and educational programmes.
- Supported pastor training.
- Supported homes damaged by flash floods.